Friday, December 20, 2019

The Story Of An Hour And A Pair Of Silk Stockings By Kate...

Chopin Expresses Feminine Repression Authors often have their own literary repertoire, or style, to appeal to the audience in which they are writing to. Kate Chopin is a well-known writer, known for her works that mainly focus around women and their expected roles in society. Chopin’s writings are often based on the effect that the turn of the century had on women, which she best expresses in her two short stories â€Å"The Story of an Hour† and â€Å"A Pair of Silk Stockings†. In both of the stories previously stated, the author gives the audience just enough background on the main characters, both female, and their trapped everyday life; so that throughout each story, the reader can connect and better understand the author’s purpose. By using literary elements, Kate Chopin does an outstanding job of relating to the audience with the realism of feminism. Kate Chopin uses elements such as setting, tone, and irony in her short stories â€Å"The Story of an Hour† and â€Å"A Pair of Silk Stockings† to express her ideas concerning societal expectations of women in the 1800’s. Writers use many literary elements to help connect to their stories; Kate Chopin does an excellent job of doing so by using tone. Webster’s Dictionary defines tone as â€Å"a general character or attitude or situational piece of writing†. In Chopin’s â€Å"A Story of an Hour†, she uses a dramatic death to set a depressing tone. The anxiety and overwhelming wave of feelings that comes over the audience when reading aboutShow MoreRelatedThe Short Stories Of An Hour And A Pair Of Silk Stockings961 Words   |  4 PagesShort Stories of Kate Chopin The short stories, The Story of an Hour and A Pair of Silk Stockings were both written in the 1800 s. The stories are both written by Kate Chopin, a female author. The period in which these stories were written gave impact on other female writers to produce stories too. The literary devices Chopin uses in both these stories show how educated female writers were at the time. The way the author, Kate Chopin, uses many literary devices in her works, The Story of anRead MoreEssay on Society vs. Inhibition1235 Words   |  5 Pagesof literature by Kate Chopin address these questions; specifically, the short stories â€Å"A Pair of Silk Stockings† and â€Å"The Story of an Hour† give some feedback on the issues of society versus one’s free will and the consequences of one’s opinions conflicting with the expectations of society. Chopin uses many pressing issues of her era to display how people are punished for rejecting the limiting norms of society in her wri tings. â€Å"A Pair of Silk Stockings† and â€Å"The Story of an Hour† both deal withRead MoreThe Story of an Hour and A Pair of Silk Stockings Essay example1299 Words   |  6 Pagesmay encounter later in life. Realism is represented in Kate Chopins short stories The Story of an Hour and A Pair of Silk Stockings. In both the short stories, the main characters get to face a dream/fantasy that they’ve always wanted to encounter; something rare that lasted only for a short amount of time. The freedom that each character got was some sort of new freedom that they never experienced before. For example in The Story of an Hour, the main character Louise Mallards is feels oppressedRead MoreDesirees Baby Literary Analysis1989 Words   |  8 PagesKate Chopin’s stories Desirees Baby, The Story of an Hour, At the Cadian Ball, and A Pair of Silk Stockings, were written in the 19th century in times when women had no rights, and had to portray an image of a lovin g wife. They were considered selfish if they thought otherwise, and their job was to make their husbands happy at all times. This was the century of a turning point for women, in which they had desires test their limits imposed on their sex. Critics of her stories list the analysisRead MoreA Brief Note On Kate Chopin s Chopin 1642 Words   |  7 PagesMaddy Mummey Mrs. Corby AP English 12 20 April 2015 Kate Chopin Kate Chopin was a successful author of numerous short stories and novels during her life; many critics refer to her as a forerunner author of the 20th century (Kate). Throughout Chopin s life and the many experiences she endured, she grew a great sense of respect and empowerment towards women. However, she is not categorized as a feminist or a suffragist (Kate). Chopin insistently supported the revolutionary notion that women wereRead MoreFeminism And The Advocacy For Equal Rights1563 Words   |  7 Pagesissue with a high relevancy to society today. Kate Chopin was the one of the first feminist American authors, and even if she did not have a direct role in the movement itself, she believed in the core principles of it and wrote feministically in her stories. Kate Chopin’s expressive and realistic style was heavily influenced by her exposure to feminine feelings and experiences throughout her lifetime. Chopin led an average life. From an early age, Chopin was surrounded by many strong, independentRead MoreHappy Wife, Happy Life1627 Words   |  7 Pagesand take part in niceties, even if it was only to go buy a pair of silk stockings. For over two hundred years in America, women did not have a place in literature, both as major characters and as writers. Kate Chopin was a veritable pioneer for many who suffered this very short, unappealing life as housewives who had no way to voice their concerns, and no one to listen to them. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour† and â€Å"A Pair of Silk Stockings,† Chopin delves into three aspects of being a wife and mother duringRead MoreFeminism Of The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin Essay1199 Words   |  5 PagesIdeas of Feminism in Kate Chopin’s Works In the nineteenth century female authors began to challenge the role women played in society in their works, one of the most notable authors being Kate Chopin. Although Chopin did not declare herself a feminist or a suffragist, her novel The Awakening, and many of her short stories reflect emerging ideas of feminism. Many of her protagonists are strong women who reject the typical role of a woman during the time period. Her stories tend to focus on womenRead MoreAn Examination Of How Kate Chopin s Work1298 Words   |  6 PagesENGL 1102 – Comp/Lit Essay 2 (Mulry) Sellers, James R – 920022413 Due Date: April 20, 2015 An Examination of How Kate Chopin’s Works Taken Together Contribute to our Understanding of Her Time and the Place of Women in Society Looking at themes present in his short stories and novels, Kate Chopin presents examples of female strength and an assertive rebellion to the social norms during the late 1800s. By seeking to transparently and boldly portray the risquà © behavior of her lead characters, whichRead MoreThe Storm by Kate Chopin1238 Words   |  5 PagesKate Chopin is writing so many great stories about whatever she sees. Kate has many Wonderful stories such as, (The Storm, Desiree’s Baby, A Pair of Silk Stocking, A Respectable Woman, and The Story of an Hour). There is one story in particular that catches my mind which is â€Å"The Storm†. 0In Kate chopins era, women are seen as nothing more than a wife and have to stay with their husband for life. Chopin shows a dramatic scene between Alcee and Calixta during the time of a storm that is passing by

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Understanding Iconography free essay sample

I also found that he as a Indian people took pride in the women of his tribe by giving them grand headdresses which symbolized importance. The fourth one is hard to explain but I feel that Howling Wolf did not put the focus on one certain area but on the whole picture as there was something to look at in every space. I feel that in this piece of artwork that the role that the artist portrayed was that of role number two . That painting is figure 43 in chapter two of the text. The piece of art I choose was that of the Treaty Signing of Medicine Creek Lodge. I feel just what the Native American Indians went through back in the days and take pride in that no matter the circumstance they still had a positive outlook on the land and the people. I feel that the artist portrayed all four roles of and artist . We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Iconography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first one being he helped us see the world the way that Howling Wolf seen the world and nature even though they as a people where going through such great trials with imprisonment they still seen the beauty.The second role is that Howling Wolf created visual record of the trials the Indian people faced but still seen beauty in the nature and their village. Role three was of course portrayed by the way the way he painted the village but also the women and the land itself and that is beauty . I also found that he as a Indian people took pride in the women of his tribe by giving them grand headdresses which symbolized importance. The fourth one is hard to explain but I feel that Howling Wolf did not put the focus on one certain area but on the whole picture as there was something to look at in every space.I feel that in this piece of artwork that the role that the artist portrayed was that of role number two . I feel this way because he is clearly recording a record of something that actually happened and was important to him and his people. In my belief I feel that this piece of work is symbolic as it portrays just what his people went through during the signing of this treaty. I also feel that he portrayed beauty and a great peace with his people. References A World Of Art Chapters 1 and 2

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Differences Between Advertising and Public Relations Advertising free essay sample

Differences Between Advertising and Public Relations Advertising vs. public relations, these two industries are very different even though theyre commonly confused as being one and the same. The following ten properties just scratch the surface of the many differences between advertising and public relations. 1. Paid Vs Free Coverage * Advertising: The company pays for ad space. You know exactly when that ad will air or be published. For Example: Infosys gives an ad in The Hindu on Wednesdays in the Opportunities column. So it has the liberty and control to opt whether they want to give the ad on a particular Wednesday or not depending on their requirement. * Public Relations: Your job is to get free publicity for the company. From news conferences to press releases, youre focused on getting free media exposure for the company and its products/services. For Example: Tata Nano is the best example of this. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences Between Advertising and Public Relations Advertising or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Till now Nano was not advertised and all its publicity is through PR. 2. Creative Control Vs. No Control * Advertising: Since youre paying for the space, you have creative control on what goes into that ad. Any feature of the ad can be designed according to the way you want to portray the image of your company. For Example: Close-up portrays a youthful image through its advertisements, whereas Cadbury (which earlier had largely targeted the youth) has shifted its focus and now projects its chocolate as something for the whole family to enjoy during times of rejoicing. * Public Relations: You have no control over how the media presents (or misrepresents) information about your organization. For Example: Reliance did not have a control over the news which was published regarding the conflict between Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani and had to pay for it in form of loss in the share price (initially). 3. Shelf Life * Advertising: Since you pay for the space, you can run your ads over and over for as long as your budget allows. An ad generally has a longer shelf life than one press release. * Public Relations: You generally submit a press release about a new product once. You only submit a press release about a news conference once. The PR exposure you receive is only circulated once. An editor wont publish your same press release three or four times in their magazine. 4. Wise Consumers * Advertising: Consumers know when theyre reading an advertisement theyre trying to be sold a product or service. The consumer understands that we have paid to present our selling message to him or her, and unfortunately, the consumer often views the selling message very guardedly. * Public Relations: When someone reads a third-party article written about your product or views coverage of your event on TV, theyre seeing something you didnt pay for and view it differently than they do paid advertising. Where we can generate some sort of third-party endorsement by independent media sources, we can create great credibility for our clients products or services. 5. Creativity * Advertising: In advertising, you get to exercise your creativity in creating new ad campaigns and materials. Some jingles in the ad have a long bonding with the product. Few Examples: Surf comes with a series of new ads from time to time. Britannia’s jingle is well remembered and is branded even in its website. * Public Relations: In public relations, you have to have a nose for news and be able to generate buzz through that news. You exercise your creativity, to an extent, in the way you search for new news to release to the media. For Example: Apple iPhone is an example of this. Apple created a huge buzz in the market exercising creativity to and extend and the result was a huge demand for the Iphone much before its release date. 6. Target Audience or Hooked Editor * Advertising: Youre looking for your target audience and advertising accordingly. You wouldnt advertise a womens TV network in a male-oriented sports magazine. * Public Relations: You must have an angle and hook editors to get them to use info for an article, to run a press release or to cover your event. . 7. Special Events * Advertising: If your company sponsors an event, you wouldnt want to take out an ad giving yourself a pat on the back for being such a great company. This is where your PR department steps in. Public Relations: If youre sponsoring an event, you can send out a press release and the media might pick it up. They may publish the information or cover the event.