Thursday, December 12, 2019

Understanding Iconography free essay sample

I also found that he as a Indian people took pride in the women of his tribe by giving them grand headdresses which symbolized importance. The fourth one is hard to explain but I feel that Howling Wolf did not put the focus on one certain area but on the whole picture as there was something to look at in every space. I feel that in this piece of artwork that the role that the artist portrayed was that of role number two . That painting is figure 43 in chapter two of the text. The piece of art I choose was that of the Treaty Signing of Medicine Creek Lodge. I feel just what the Native American Indians went through back in the days and take pride in that no matter the circumstance they still had a positive outlook on the land and the people. I feel that the artist portrayed all four roles of and artist . We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Iconography or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first one being he helped us see the world the way that Howling Wolf seen the world and nature even though they as a people where going through such great trials with imprisonment they still seen the beauty.The second role is that Howling Wolf created visual record of the trials the Indian people faced but still seen beauty in the nature and their village. Role three was of course portrayed by the way the way he painted the village but also the women and the land itself and that is beauty . I also found that he as a Indian people took pride in the women of his tribe by giving them grand headdresses which symbolized importance. The fourth one is hard to explain but I feel that Howling Wolf did not put the focus on one certain area but on the whole picture as there was something to look at in every space.I feel that in this piece of artwork that the role that the artist portrayed was that of role number two . I feel this way because he is clearly recording a record of something that actually happened and was important to him and his people. In my belief I feel that this piece of work is symbolic as it portrays just what his people went through during the signing of this treaty. I also feel that he portrayed beauty and a great peace with his people. References A World Of Art Chapters 1 and 2

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