Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Intercultral Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intercultral Experience - Essay Example I googled ‘Tibetan Meditation’ and a rather large list of meditiation classes, books and journals popped up. I decided to check out one of them, which said that 15 minutes per day was all that was required. When I entered the site, there was soft music playing and text slowly scrolled down the page, asking me to read something about this type of meditation. I almost closed the site but then I decided to continue and suddenly, it was 20 minutes later. I had learned something about Tibetan history, of the destructive power of stress and of the healing power of meditation. When I had finished reading, there was a little questionnaire, asking me about my sleeping habits, the way I breathe and a number of other questions, all related to stress. After I had answered everything, I had to give my first name – which I was ok with – and a little folder popped up with my name on it. When I opened it, it had in it a series of exercises, 10 of them, with repetitions and some buttons to chose music and the pace at which I wanted to do the exercises. By now I was thoroughly hooked and I did the exercises straight away. The first set just asked me to sit quietly and close my eyes. The next one asked me to rotate my head, first forward, then sideways, backwards and to the other side.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Crichton Smith Critical Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Crichton Smith Critical Evaluation Essay Home by Iain Crichton Smith is a short story which creates a sense of time and place. This essay will examine how the sense of place is shown in setting and will comment on the message the writer has. Jackson is a man returning to his hometown in Glasgow from South Africa. It becomes apparent to the reader that the setting, in both time and place, is a very important aspect in conveying the meaning of the text. In the short story it becomes apparent that the place has changed since Jackson was last here as the city of Glasgow has undergone a period of decline and decay. This is shown in different ways such as characterisation, descriptive language and the use of imagery. Smith shows firstly how very unpleasant Jacksons hometown has become at the start of the story. He describes how things are poorly maintained like his old tenement has become drab and the walls are described as:  Brown above and dirty blue below, pitted with scars  Brown shows how unpleasant the setting is through the use of negative colour imagery. The colour brown very often has negative connotations. This gives the reader an immediate negative image of the tenement. Also Smith uses the colour blue which should give a positive image, however he uses it with the word dirty which also gives the reader an image of the unpleasant environment around the tenement. Also to give the reader a bit more of a negative image of the area, Smith writes pitted with scars, which has two meanings in the story one of which is suppose to mean the area is literally scarred because the area has been very poorly maintained and is very unpleasant. The second meaning is that it is metaphorically scarred because it has had an emotional impact on everyone in the neighbourhood. This is also used to highlight the horrendous living conditions in Glasgow. While Jackson remains regretful about the hardships of the living conditions in Glasgow and in his tenement, Jacksons wife has a more realistic idea that times have changed in Glasgow when she says to Jackson, Lock the car dear, This shows the reality of this area and shows Jacksons ignorance and that his wife is very wary about that particular area. Jackson shows how naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve he really is and that he does not realise that the place has changed dramatically and protests: They dont do things like that here  The image of the unpleasantness of the area is again highlighted.  as the town had changed a lot since they had left it, that much was clear  The story continues by focusing strongly on the negative changes such as, the loss of the community spirit, the local shops and the loss of friends to featureless estates. Smith is clearly commenting of how the social conditions of Glasgow have changed dramatically through time. Jackson visits his old office, a place of happy memories of. However, upon entering the office his memories are shattered and he begins to realise how uninteresting and unpleasant the office actually is. Jackson stood cringing in that rotting office. This shows that Jacksons view is beginning to change as he draws back and he does not enjoy being back at his old office. Both cringing and rotting have negative connotations and this highlights how uncomfortable he is beginning to feel in an office that appears to be decaying in his eyes. At this point the reader is also meant to see that Jacksons nostalgia destroys the strikingly expressive memory immediately after arguing with the factor of the building. Jackson shows and immediate change of attitude and character when he now sees Africa as home by suddenly saying;  I wish to God we were home  This speech shows the dramatic change in his character. The reader sees how the nostalgia that Jackson had has been completely destroyed. Also he sees people who live in the tenements as punks when Smith writes;  By God, they knew how to deal with punks where he came from  Iain Smith uses very effective word choice. Punks shows how Jackson sees people who live in the tenements in a very bad way. The reader is made aware of the ignorance of Jackson and he appears to have learned nothing from his visit and he would have still have acted aggressively.  Overall, Home by Iain Crichton Smith is a short story which has been shown throughout. The character of Jackson has changed dramatically because of the setting in place. This short story shows that people can be naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve when they are talking about where they come from but when they leave and come back again and see a massive difference which changes the character of the person.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

People from all over come to experience the Grand Canyon National Park, located exclusively in North Arizona. Covered with unexplored caves and valleys, and immense canyons, the Grand Canyon is very well liked for hikers, whether that hiker is experience of a beginner. This park offers recreational events for everyone. Today, the Grand Canyon stretches out to be eighteen miles long in some places. The Grand Canyon has much to offer from hiking along a rough, yet narrow landscape, bringing the family out to camp for a few days, gazing at the amazing scenery, or visiting the Indian reservations. This area contains several ecosystems and also hundreds to thousands of unique plants and animals. â€Å"It contains fossils of corals, crinoids, and brachiopods that indicate warm tropical conditions in a sea that once stretched across the continent. The stone looks different from the red wall, because 500 million years ago the ocean was closer to the ancient continent, and any mud and sand t hat washed off the land mixed in with the lime, making it crumbly and yellow† (Weintraub 24). The rock layers in the canyon make a magnificent color of stripes in the canyon walls that could be seen miles and miles away. Not only is this canyon enormous, but also this vast canyon can be seen from space. Although the canyon is not the deepest canyon in the world, it is known for its tremendous dimension and its vibrant landscape. This terrain reserves more than two thousand archeological sites of Native Americans, who have also resided there for four thousand years. The park itself became a National Park in the year 1919. The Grand Canyon is a stunning place to visit for all ages, and for the family to see the remarkable canyon formed not only by the erosi... ... patches along the river† (Halvorsen 5). Separate from the eroding motion of the Colorado River, the flow of the debris played a major, yet foremost role in the broadening and expanding of the Grand Canyon. All these elements contributed to the creation of the Grand Canyon, which still till this day remains a fascinating story and feature for every one of us, especially geologists, who still have many thoughts as to how the Grand Canyon was even formed. Rock layers that have formed the Grand Canyon, as everyone has seen, are created due to the sedimentations of the seas and the oceans. All of this is precisely evident of the fact that the rocks that are found on the sides of the canyon are made of sedimentary rocks. Scientists have said that the erosion is how the Grand Canyon was form, but there can always be something new to every evaluation of the Grand Canyon.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King - Defining

Fate in Oedipus Rex      Ã‚  Ã‚   During ancient times, the Greeks believed very strongly in a concept called "fate".   What is "fate"?   Fate can be defined as a cause beyond human control that determines events.   It can also be defined as the outcome or end of some sort.   In "Oedipus Rex", King Oedipus is a character that lived by fate and died by fate.   This element of fate truly impacted the storyline and the plot, while allowing for some interesting developments that may have been unforeseen by the viewing audience.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex", fate truly is a huge factor in many scenes and events.   According to ancient Greek belief, the word of God was fate, and fate was the word of God.   Therefore, every event that ever happened was predetermined and unchangeable.  ... ...d the legend itself.   Due to the ancient Greeks' wholehearted acceptance of fate as the word of God himself, many ironic events occurred due to the twists of fate.   Sophocles masterfully weaves pieces of a legend together to create a dramatic tale of fate and irony called "Oedipus Rex".    Works Cited Elsom, John.   "Fate and the Imperial Dream."   World & I.   February 2000.   82-90.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Persian Wars

The Persian Wa rs tric D. Blanco Persia, known as Iran, was the largest empire the world had ever seen by the 5th century B,C. E. The name Iran derlves trom the word â€Å"Asyran,† and durlng the first half of the first millennium, the Iranian-speaking people moved gradually Into the area of the Zagros Mountains, the largest groups known as the Medes and Persians. According the author of The Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 3C by Philip de Souza, The Persians were part of a group of ancient peoples who spoke languages similar to modern Iranian (Souza, Pg. 9). The origin of the Persian Empire can be attributed to the leadership ot Cyrus the Great. A brilliant and powerful Persian king. he enlarged nearby Islands and united them Into one empire. Cyrus was able to create a vast empire that would last more than two hundred years. As time went by, the Greek city- states were under the rule of the Persians. The Persian wars began. But what was the Persian war? According to the â€Å" Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Greece†, it was a serious of conflicts fought between Greek states and the Persian Empire.Greece was Invaded twice during the Persian wars. The wars with Greece and Persla were a result due to rebellion, but who won the war? The Persians wanted to conquer more of Greece, then a war broke out, but how did it all began? After the death of King Croesus of Lydia died, Greece was under the rule of the Persian Empire which they much resented. In result to this, they fought to throw out the Persians. The city-state Ionia revolted. Athens and Eritrea supported the Ionians with a token force of twenty ships from Athens, five ships from Eritrea.The Ionian revolt was successful at first, but after the Greeks sailed home It was rushed. Persian temples had been violated, and whether they did it or not the Athenians and Eritreans were blamed for it. King Darius I of Persia ordered a punitive expedition to these two cities, but a storm smashed his fleet. Anot her fleet was assembled. and the tlrst Persian war began, Which city-state was saved, and which was destroyed from the fleet of Persia? Before finding the answer of which city-state was saved and destroyed, and victor, let's look at the important kings, generals during the wars.Darius l, he was the king of the Persian Empire during the first war. His son Xerxes took the title as king of the Persian Empire at the start ot the second war. Mardonius is a Persian general In both wars. Datls and Artaphernes were generals at the Battle of Marathon, the first war. 1 OF3 Marathon. At the Battle of Thermopylae, the second war, Leonidas, Spartan general, and king fought the Persians with three hundred men. In Thermopylae 480 BC by Nic Fields, Leonidas as the commander-in-chief, held off the Persians to their rear by a mountain track, the Anopaia path (Fields, Pg. ). Themistocles was an Athenian dmiral at the Battle of Salamis. Pausanias was also a Spartan general but at the Battle of Plataea. They are the important people during this time of event. Fought to the death, some survived, but who won the wars? Persians have returned home with a low supply of weapons after the first war, they were defeated by the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon. Persians attacked Athens to teach them a lesson for revolting against the Great Darius l, but the Athenians defeated the Persians. The second invasion returned with the new king, Xerxes.With a huge army he gathered, they ttacked the Greeks at Thermopylae. That's when the Spartans came in, with three hundred men under the leadership of Leonidas. The Persians ended up reaching the city of Athens and burned it. The Persians were finally defeated by the Greek Navvy in a bloody sea battle. Fewer than four hundred Greek ships under the Athenian general Themistocles beat twelve hundred Persian ships. Xerxes went home after the defeat. However, he left a large army in Greece. The Spartans and Athenians fought the Persian army. The combined f orces were able to beat the Persians.Looking back at the question, Athens was the city-state that was destroyed and Eritreans survived. The war may have been won by the Greeks, but when did it all started? According to the author of The Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 BC book by Philip de Souza, In 499 the Persians launched a major naval expedition against Naxos, the largest and most prosperous of the Cycladic islands. Herodotus presents this expedition as the result of an appeal by some exiled Naxian aristocrats to Aristagoras, the ruling tyrant of Miletos, to help them force their compatriots to ccept them back and return to power.Miletos was one of the largest and most important Ionian cities. According to the text, it had enjoyed privileged, semi- independent status in relation to the Lydian kings, which the Persians allowed to continue. The Ionians rebelled, some of the Ionian cities and island had been developing a form of democratic government when they came under Persian infl uence. Such developments continued in mainland Greece, especially in Athens, but the move to widespread popular participation in government was prematurely halted in Ionia.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Word Choice Shall vs. Will - Proofeds Writing Tips

Word Choice Shall vs. Will - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Shall vs. Will The words â€Å"will† and â€Å"shall† can seem a bit confusing. After all, while there is a difference of sorts, they’re both used to express the future tense. Do we really need both, then? The short answer to that question is â€Å"not really.† We don’t really use â€Å"shall† in modern English. However, it is still useful to know the traditional distinction between these terms. Shall (First Person) Traditionally, â€Å"shall† was used to form the future tense in the first person. This means that we use â€Å"shall† with the first-person pronouns â€Å"I† and â€Å"we†: I shall take a walk along the beach after lunch. In modern English, we’d be more likely to say â€Å"I will†¦Ã¢â‚¬  in a sentence like this. However, in very formal or old-fashioned English, â€Å"shall† is technically the correct term to use. â€Å"Shall† can also be used to ask a question in the first person. For instance: Shall we go to the theater tonight? In modern English, though, we’d be more likely to say â€Å"Should we†¦Ã¢â‚¬  in this situation. Will (Second and Third Person) In the second and third person, â€Å"will† is the traditional term used to express the future tense: Will you be home in time for supper? He will miss his train if he doesn’t leave soon. The first sentence above is in the second person and uses the pronoun â€Å"you.† The other sentence is in the third person and uses â€Å"he† (other third-person pronouns include â€Å"she,† â€Å"it,† and â€Å"they†). Except for Emphasis! You know everything we’ve said above? Well, you need to reverse it completely if you’re being emphatic! â€Å"Emphatic† here means making a forceful point. The most famous example of this is from Cinderella, where the Fairy Godmother tells the titular character: You shall go to the ball! Here, we see â€Å"shall† combined with the second-person pronoun â€Å"you.† This is because the Fairy Godmother was being emphatic. This is quite rare, but it is worth remembering in some cases. Cinders: Its a bit small, isnt it?Fairy Godmother: Look, you SHALL go to the ball. Even if I have to force you into my tiny pumpkin carriage. Will or Shall? In around 99.9% of cases, â€Å"will† is correct in modern American English. We simply don’t make the same distinction between â€Å"will† and â€Å"shall† as we used to. The only time you will need to use â€Å"shall† is if you’re being very formal. Probably the most common example of this is legal writing. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing the difference between the traditional uses of these terms. It can be helpful, for example, when you come across â€Å"shall† used in old-fashioned writing. So remember: Shall = First person Will = Second and third person

Monday, October 21, 2019

About Cilmate Change and Global Warming

About Cilmate Change and Global Warming Climate change, specifically global warming, has captured the attention of people worldwide and has inspired more debate and action- personal, political and corporate- than perhaps any other environmental issue in history. But all of that discussion, along with the mountains of data and conflicting points of view that go with it, sometimes make it hard to really know what’s going on. This guide will help you cut through the rhetoric and confusion and get to the facts. The Nuts and Bolts of Climate Change The first step toward learning what can be done to reduce global warming, and how you can help, is to understand the problem. What Causes Global Warming?How Do Humans Contribute to Global Warming?Climate Change: Air and Land ObservationsClimate Change: Effects on the OceansClimate Change: Effects on the Frozen World Greenhouse Gases and the Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, and many greenhouse gases occur naturally, so why are they cited as problems whenever global warming is discussed? The Basics about Greenhouse Gases Current and Future Effects of Climate Change The effects of global warming are often discussed in future terms, but many of those effects are already under way and having an impact on everything from biodiversity to human health. But it’s not too late. If we act now, most scientists believe we can avoid many of the worst effects of global warming. Climate Change and Extreme WeatherClimate Change and Sea Level RiseGlobal Warming and Large Scale PhenomenaA Changing North: Climate Change in the ArcticSpring Phenology and Climate Change Climate Change and Human Health The Most Vulnerable CitiesDeer, Lyme Disease, and Climate ChangeClimate Change and Food Security Climate Change, Wildlife and Biodiversity How is Wildlife Affected by Global Warming?Bird Extinctions Occurring Faster than Previously Believed Climate Change and Natural Resources Climate Change and Maple Syrup ProductionClimate Change and SkiingGlobal Warming Puts 12 U.S. National Parks on the Endangered List Solutions Reducing global warming and mitigating its effects will require a combination of enlightened public policy, corporate commitment, and personal action. The good news is that the world’s leading climate scientists have agreed that there is still enough time to address the problem of global warming if we act now, and enough money to get the job done without undermining national economies. What Is Carbon Sequestration?The Paris Climate Change ConferenceWhat Is the IPCC? Climate Change and You As a citizen and a consumer, you can influence public policy and business decisions that effect global warming and the environment. You can also make lifestyle choices every day that reduce your contribution to global warming. Top 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Global WarmingCut Down Your Car EmissionsSeven Ways to Your Green HomeVacation Trip? Keep Your Carbon Footprint SmallGet a Free Home Energy AuditStop Receiving Junk Mail Climate Change and Renewable Energy One of the best ways to reduce global warming is to use renewable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. The Clean Power PlanTop 7 Renewable Energy SourcesWhat is Wind Power and How Does it Work?The Pros and Cons of Solar PowerIs Ocean Power a Viable Energy Source? Transportation and Alternative Fuels Transportation accounts for 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States- two-thirds of that from automobiles and other vehicles- and many other developed and developing nations face similar challenges. Alternative Fuels Top 8 Alternative FuelsThe Pros and Cons of BiofuelsEthanol: Frequently Asked Questions About Ethanol On page 2, learn what governments, the business community, environmentalists, and science skeptics are saying and doing about global warming . Global warming is a complex problem that can only be solved by a worldwide effort involving individuals, businesses, and governments at all levels. Global warming affects everyone. Yet, our perspective on the issue- how we see it and how we choose to address it- may be very different from the views of people from other backgrounds, professions or communities around the world. Global Warming: Politics, Government and the CourtsGovernments play an important role in the effort to reduce global warming with public policies and tax incentives that help to promote constructive action by businesses and consumers, and through regulation that can prevent abuses that worsen the problem. U.S. Government Should the United States Ratify the Kyoto Protocol? U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Bush Policy on Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Six Ex-EPA Chiefs Urge Bush to Curb Global Warming Federal Agencies Investigate Claims that Bush Administration Muzzled Scientists Congressional Interest in Global Warming Heats Up State and Local Governments California Passes Breakthrough Bill to Help Curb Global Warming U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement 500 U.S. Cities Pledge to Reduce Global Warming Governments Worldwide World Leaders Launch Initiative to Accelerate Work on Global Warming Global Warming and Business greenhouse gases U.S. Climate Action Partnership: A Coalition for Change U.S. Climate Action Partnership Doubles Membership; General Motors Signs On to Fight Global Warming Rogers and Me: An Interview with Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers Global Warming and the Media An Inconvenient Truth Review: An Inconvenient Truth An Inconvenient Truth Wins Two Oscars Global Warming: Science and Skepticism Is Global Warming a Hoax? ExxonMobil-Funded Group Offers Scientists Cash to Attack Major New Global Warming Study Utility Pays Global Warming Skeptic-for-Hire $100,000 Scientist Denounces TV Ads for Deliberately Misleading Public on Global Warming Global Warming Elsewhere on the Web Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The Royal Society- Climate Change U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Climate Change Climate Change for Kids- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Real Climate: Climate Science from Climate Scientists National Resources Defense Council- Global Warming Sierra Club- Global Warming and Energy On page 1, learn more about the causes and effects of global warming, what is being done to solve the problem, and how you can help.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

MBA Admission Essay Writing

MBA Admission Essay Writing MBA Admission Essay Writing MBA Admission Essay: Writing a Successful One It is not a secret that MBA admission essay is considered to be rather complicated and challenging task to accomplish. Everything is staked. All your dreams, efforts, desires depend on MBA admission essay you have to write in order to make your dreams come true. Your MBA admission essay is your ticket for your future successful life, and it absolutely depends on you whether this ticket will be successful or unfortunate one. That is why each person should treat the assignment of MBA admission essays writing to be one of the most serious assignments to complete and fully devote himself or herself to it. Extremely interesting personal statement is what you have to present in your MBA admission essay:http://.com/blog/mba-essay-help However, at this point, the question arises how to do this? Understand the Question! You have to understand that you are not the only one who wants to be admitted, that there are hundreds of other students who are dreaming to take your place. All of them are going to try their best in order to achieve their goal and to be admitted. That is why you have to write such MBA admission essay, which is going to put you aside from all the other competitors and bring you immediate success in a form of college or university admission. Have we clarified the task you have to succeed in? Pay Attention To Structure! To understand how to arrange your MBA admission essay and what to write in it, you have to imagine that you are a member of the admission committee. What do you want from the applicants? Which traits of character do you appreciate the most? These questions will help you to understand how to write your MBA admission essay. If still you feel that, the knowledge you have received is not enough to write a successful MBA admission essay, which will present you the admission itself, visit our site in order to read through the samples of MBA admission essays. They are certain to help you with your MBA admission essay writing and provide you with some interesting ideas, which you can mention in your MBA admission essay writing. Avoid Writing Monotonously! Never write monotonous MBA admission essay, it will never catch the committees eye and you will fail to be admitted. Try to make your MBA admission essay be bright, colorful, interesting, unusual, and exciting. If you need some additional help and support while your MBA admission essay writing, appeal to our custom essay writing service and we will help you with great pleasure. Read also: Conclusion Writing Writing Thesis Papers Thesis Papers in Education Dissertation Paper Term Paper on Cholesterol and Lipids

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Innovation in management services in supply chains(SCM) Essay

Innovation in management services in supply chains(SCM) - Essay Example Importance of innovation Innovation is best described as the development and creation of unique possibilities for making value added contributions in a particular industry. The entire process of innovation goes beyond the traditional method of implementing new manufacturing processes or developing innovative products because it comprises of much broader aspects such as innovation in the market, organization and input resources (Kim, Kumar, & Kumar, 2012; Ozturen & Sevil, 2009). Innovation in tourism and hospitality industry In the last few years, the researchers such as Boon-itt and Pongpanarat (2011), Martinez-Ros and Orfila-Sintes (2009) and Spekman, Spear and Kamauff (2002) have done extensive studies on the role of innovation in service sector especially tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism and hospitality industry consists of many areas and dimensions and the study is catered across different elements. As the world has become global, travelling to different destinations wor ldwide is now the favorite leisure activity of majority of the consumers of any society. It has been reported by many countries such as France, USA, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, China and Canada that the number of tourists is increasing at a faster pace than expected (Nassiry, Ghorban, & Nasiri, 2012). In order to provide exceptional tourism experience to the visitors, the tourism and hospitality industry of each country has to introduce innovative products and services that will meet the expectation level of the customers (Anthony, Johnson, & Sinfield, 2008). This industry is mainly made up of tour operators, travel agencies, hotels and accommodation service providers and airline companies. One of the key areas of focus by the players in the respective industry is the development of an effective Supply Chain Management (SCM) that ensures that the tourists are provided the most satisfying level of services (Zhang, Song, & Huang, 2009). Real life examples of SCM initiatives and i nnovations Since the demands of customers change at an accelerating pace in each market, it is required by every company to closely monitor the changing patterns of innovation requirements in the products and services. The customers of tourism and hospitality industry are looking for open service innovation which was the concept introduced by FedEx. Almost all the firms existing in the industry have ensured that they employ the latest technology in their services so that they have a strong presence in the market (Gunasekara, 2006). The consumers need to know about the tourism and hospitality industries so that they develop an interest in trying out the services. Some of the initiatives that have been observed in the Tourism supply chain (TSC) are integration of supplier and buyer relationship (Rizova, 2006), taking the suppliers on board when developing new products so that the feasibility of the project can be effectively designed (Handfield & Lawson, 2008) and eliminating the unne cessary intermediary steps so that the cost can be saved to a much larger extent (Miles, 2008). Such types of initiatives is a necessary act to be conducted by the organisations as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Goodpaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Goodpaster - Essay Example Since the statement has not categorized the stakeholders, it means that it will treat all participants who are involved in transaction equally. The mission statement also aims at ensuring that stakeholders achieve maximum satisfaction. This indicates that this statement is based on the utilitarian ethical critical thinking technique. The article argues that utilitarian principle is classified under normative ethics and it aims at providing maximum utility to all parties who are involved in an organization. Normative ethics is a field that aims at differentiating right from wrong (Goodpaster 5). Therefore, it means that if the disutility that stakeholders get from an organization surpasses the utilities, it means that the company acts unethically. The organization should, therefore, analyze the effects of its actions during the formulation of policies to ensure that they produce more benefits than costs when they are implemented. Goodpaster argues that companies should conduct the analysis when formulating policies that deal with both the internal and the external environment (3). Therefore, from the views of Goodpaster, the mission statement is ethically

GM ignition switch recall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

GM ignition switch recall - Research Paper Example The deaths were linked to the failure of the airbags deployment during the accidents. However, reports suggested that an addition 72 persons died because of ignition key switch faults. Because of the faults, GM recalled over 29 million cars. In addition, the manufacturer incurred approximately $1.2 billion to counter the ongoing recalls and legal expenses (Cheeseman, 56). Various scholars have criticized the moral ethics exhibited by the GM management as their actions resulted in deaths and losses for the company. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with ideas concerning what amounts to good and bad behavior. Based on the definition of ethics, it is clear that GM were ethically wrong since the management were aware of the faults in the vehicles long before they decided to recall. The management aim was to maximize the company’s profit rather than meet the customer needs. GM would have carried substantial tests of their vehicles before sale or in addition review the customer feedback concerning the vehicles. The company continued with the vehicle sales for more than seven years hence making then ethically liable. GM focused on the numbers of individuals who continued to enjoy problem free ignition related ignitions rather the ones who felt victim to the problem. Therefore, it has clearly to indicate that GM was ethically wrong. Socrates held being ethical as one of his primary role in all of his psychological theories. In addition, he held the belief that the suitable way for people to live was to aim at self-development rather than material wealth (Barry, 66). At all times, Socrates welcomed others individuals to attempt and focus more on a sense of friendships and real community since he had a sentiment that it was the suitable way for people to develop mutually as a populace. Socrates lived up to this doctrine and that is can be proved by his actions when he was

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment on Lung Cancer Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Lung Cancer - Assignment Example These research findings are very important since they negate the long-held perception that nicotine is fundamentally the cause of lung cancer. The specialty of these research works is that they have separately found the effect of years of smoking and that if genetic variants on an individual’s risk of getting lung cancer. Knowledge of the results obtained from these studies may be utilized in the development of more effective drugs and treatment options for the smokers. â€Å"We are all impatient for drugs that can cure cancer no matter when and where we find it† (Phelps, 2012). Findings of the research done by the team in Iceland also found that have specific gene variants even increases the addiction for nicotine in some smokers, which increases their susceptibility to getting lung cancer. ... â€Å"It is imperative that government agencies, the research and funding community, health systems and insurers, community leaders, schools and families all take steps now to cut tobacco’s rural roots [since more rural than urban population falls prey to it]† (â€Å"Cutting Tobacco’s Roots†). For those who continue taking the risk, drugs blocking nicotine might prove useful as nicotine is what triggers their chances of acquiring lung cancer. Nicotine in cigarettes increases the susceptibility of smokers with predisposition to lungs cancer to risk of this disease. I hate smoking and I have objective reasons for doing so. I totally agree with (Park) when she says, â€Å"we already know the best way to prevent [lung cancer] - by not smoking in the first place† (Park). Nothing comparable to that†¦ We were 8 family members in total including my mother, my father, my sister Lisa, my sister Mary, my eldest brother George, second to him was Martin, th en I, and in the last my brother Red. I have lost my mother and both sisters at the ages that are not very suitable and a bit too early considering the average age of death for women in our country. When my mother died, she was 52 years old. My sister Mary died and 40 whereas Lisa died at the age of 36 years. She was not even married and was heading towards her marriage. On the other hand, my father, George, Martin, I, and Red are aged 70, 56, 52, 49, and 45 respectively, and we are all not only alive but also in perfect health. One thing that was common among my sisters and mother was that they were smokers and surprisingly, one thing that is common among my father, George, Martin, I, and Red is that none of us smokes. My mother, my sisters, my father, my brothers and I all have been living

Empirical analysis of relationship between land prices and housing Research Proposal

Empirical analysis of relationship between land prices and housing prices in Shanghai - Research Proposal Example This study is therefore a relevant on study that will aim to bridge the gap in literature on the seemingly lack of empirical research on the relationship between land prices and housing prices in Shanghai. Where there is a correlation, the research will take the position that since land is non-expenditure consuming product, real estate companies can focus on reducing prices of land so that accessibility to housing can improve. Once this is done, there will be a two-way benefit whereby both housing providers and consumers will benefit because supply will increase with increasing demand. The proposed study aims to collect very credible first hand data about the relationship between land prices and prices of houses in Shanghai. In order to ensure that the data presented in the data are not merely based on speculation, a lot of emphasis will be placed on primary data collection, which will be conducted by the use of the case study research design. This means that the proposed methodology will be a quantitative research that identifies a unique case when a research setting, which will be critically studied through the collection of primary data from associated respondents. As part of the research topic, the case that will be studied during the primary data collection is the empirical relationship between prices of land and the prices of houses. The research setting shall be the Shanghai Real Estate Agency. The fact that the study will be a case study means that the data collection approach will be focused specifically on the research setting, which is real estate in Sh anghai rather than generalising data for the larger industry of real estate. Statistics from the Office of National Statistics indicates that there are over 500 registered real estate agencies in Shanghai (Eppen and Hanson, 2011). The population of the study shall however focus on the marketing officers of these estate agencies alone. But as indicated by Evan and Stabler (2005),

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignment on Lung Cancer Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Lung Cancer - Assignment Example These research findings are very important since they negate the long-held perception that nicotine is fundamentally the cause of lung cancer. The specialty of these research works is that they have separately found the effect of years of smoking and that if genetic variants on an individual’s risk of getting lung cancer. Knowledge of the results obtained from these studies may be utilized in the development of more effective drugs and treatment options for the smokers. â€Å"We are all impatient for drugs that can cure cancer no matter when and where we find it† (Phelps, 2012). Findings of the research done by the team in Iceland also found that have specific gene variants even increases the addiction for nicotine in some smokers, which increases their susceptibility to getting lung cancer. ... â€Å"It is imperative that government agencies, the research and funding community, health systems and insurers, community leaders, schools and families all take steps now to cut tobacco’s rural roots [since more rural than urban population falls prey to it]† (â€Å"Cutting Tobacco’s Roots†). For those who continue taking the risk, drugs blocking nicotine might prove useful as nicotine is what triggers their chances of acquiring lung cancer. Nicotine in cigarettes increases the susceptibility of smokers with predisposition to lungs cancer to risk of this disease. I hate smoking and I have objective reasons for doing so. I totally agree with (Park) when she says, â€Å"we already know the best way to prevent [lung cancer] - by not smoking in the first place† (Park). Nothing comparable to that†¦ We were 8 family members in total including my mother, my father, my sister Lisa, my sister Mary, my eldest brother George, second to him was Martin, th en I, and in the last my brother Red. I have lost my mother and both sisters at the ages that are not very suitable and a bit too early considering the average age of death for women in our country. When my mother died, she was 52 years old. My sister Mary died and 40 whereas Lisa died at the age of 36 years. She was not even married and was heading towards her marriage. On the other hand, my father, George, Martin, I, and Red are aged 70, 56, 52, 49, and 45 respectively, and we are all not only alive but also in perfect health. One thing that was common among my sisters and mother was that they were smokers and surprisingly, one thing that is common among my father, George, Martin, I, and Red is that none of us smokes. My mother, my sisters, my father, my brothers and I all have been living

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MGT Individual Project 5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MGT Individual Project 5 - Research Paper Example The study reflects the principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis which are used in business cases. It states that both the methodologies are equally important in conducting the research where a combination of both the methodologies helps in improving the quality of the research work. The study concludes with an insight into the importance of critical thinking in the decision making of the businesses. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Sekaran & Bougie Research Process 5 Analysis 8 Quantitative Methodology 16 Qualitative Methodology 16 Critical Thinking in Business Cases 17 Conclusion 17 References 19 Introduction Decision making is an important activity in the business world. It is required at all levels of the organization. Even the low level supervisor needs to make various decisions in everyday business activities. Decision making is encouraged at all levels where the business owners are mainly responsible for all the decisions being taken in the businesses. The decision making is mainly a cognitive process which results in choosing of courses of action amongst various alternative scenarios. In each and every decision making process there is a final choice and the output can be the resultant of the opinion or action of such choice. From the cognitive perspective, decision making is mainly a continuous procedure which can be incorporated in interaction with environment. From the normative perspective, it is the analysis of individual decisions associated with the logic in decision making and its rationality. It can be defined as the problem solving activity which gets terminated when satisfactory solution is obtained. The decision making procedure can be rational, irrational, on the basis of tactic assumption or explicit assumption. The business development always arises from collective decision making of the management along with the staff. The programs, strategies and policies are always converted into effective course s of actions by means of proper decision making. The progress in any organization from one particular success and performance level to another arises from the effective decision making. The efficiency in the management of any business enterprise increases along with the application of practical and progressive principles and policies. If these ideas are implemented within the processes of an organization it would result in the increase of efficiency followed by achievement of success in the market. Sekaran & Bougie Research Process According to Sekaran & Bougie (2010) the research process is a step by step process where all the steps are essential for achieving success in the research process. An analysis should always be based on the basis of each and every step presented in this research process. It states that the research analysis should present a comparative analysis of how nicely the authors of the chosen research study have fulfilled the research work. The focus of the analys is should lie in the research process more than on the research content. The analysis should deal with the obedience to the research process stated by Sekaran & Bougie. All the steps and sub steps act as the stepping stones in the research process. The research process is a step by step procedure comprising of eleven steps. While analysing, the research work should have the following contents Problem Statement Literature Review Generation or Development of

Nursing Medicine Essay Example for Free

Nursing Medicine Essay Medical physicians and nurses have well-built passions about their range of contributions to the health of people. They are concerned with how expert ideas and welfares are to be weighed against the necessity to maneuver a system that works for the greater good of the public. Nurses and physicians work hand in hand for the cure and betterment of their patients; but what makes them different from each other? Some say it’s better to be a doctor for one has the capability to save lives; others say it’s more fulfilling to be a nurse because you not only help offer cure for the sick, you also give them genuine care. Moreover, applying and promoting caring values in the nurses’ practice is not only necessary to their own health as nurses, but its implication is also deeply tributary to finding meaning in their work. Upholding caring values in the nurses’ every day practice helps go above the nurse from a state where nursing is thought as just a job to that of a rewarding profession. While many people see medicine as a better profession than nursing, they don’t realize that nurses also encompass the competence and deep levels of character. The changes in the delivery systems of health care around the world have intensified nurses’ workloads and responsibilities. Nurses must know how to deal with patients’ increased acuteness and intricacy with regards to their health care condition. Regardless of such hardships, nurses are able to find ways to conserve their caring practice. Giving care to different individuals several hours a day is no easy job. This paper will enlighten people to what the nursing profession really is by discussing the theory of human caring. Jean Watson’s caring theory can be seen as essential to this aim. While the sole focus of medicine is to diagnose a patient and cure his/her disorder or disease, nursing entails giving care to the patient. Without care, the cure for the disease would be possible, but the illness would still linger because health would still not be attained without caring. The core of nursing is caring, while that of medicine is cure. This paper doesn’t imply that medicine does not include caring for patients. It’s just that nursing implies caring in a deeper, more attached way. The nursing profession involves working long hours with the sick, developing rapport in every possible way, and acknowledging every patient whatever their attitude or race may be. Nursing and caring have always been thought of as acting in unison. Most people choose nursing as a line of work because of their longing to care for other persons. Watson’s caring theory not only allows the nurse to live out the art of caring, it also seeks to offer compassion to ease families’ and patients’ suffering, and to support their dignity and healing. According to Watson (2001), the chief elements of her assumption are: the carative factors, the transpersonal caring relationship, and the caring moment or caring occasion. These fundamentals are described later in the paper, and will be exemplified and viewed in light of the nursing and medical profession. The caring theory or model can also be measured as an ethical/moral and philosophical foundation for professional nursing and a division of the vital focus for nursing at the corrective level. A replica of caring includes a call for both science and art; it provides a structure that intersects and embraces with science, humanities, art, spirituality, and a new magnitude of body, mind, and spirit. Nursing and medicine is developing openly as a core to human phenomenon of the nursing practice. Carative factors are viewed as a guide for the nursing core. Watson uses the word carative in contrast with medicine’s curative factors. She uses the carative factors for the reason of honoring the human magnitude of the work of nursing and the subjective experiences and inner life world of the patients that they serve. The carative factors have ten elements: faith-hope, humanistic-altruistic system of value, expressing positive and negative feelings, helping-trusting human care relationship, transpersonal teaching-learning, creative problem solving caring process, human needs assistance, supportive, protective and corrective physical, mental, societal and spiritual environment, and existential phenomenological spiritual forces. This however evolved into the caritas process which has a deeper spiritual magnitude and dimension which means to treasure and to give exceptional loving attention (Watson, 2001). Transpersonal Caring regards the harmony of life and relations that move in concentric circles of caring from a person, to others, to the society, to the world, to our planet, and to the universe. Transpersonal caring is established in a happening or actual caring instance. It shows concern for the life within. The patient is regarded as complete and as a whole, in spite of disease or illness (Watson 2003). The transpersonal nurse looks for a connection to embrace the soul or the spirit of the patient, by way of healing and caring (Watson 2003). Caring in the nursing career takes place each time a nurse to patient contact is achieved. Unlike in medicine, some doctors may look at a patient and just prescribe a drug, after that, their deal is finished. In contrast, the nurse seeks to enter the patient’s world in order to draw closer and know the patient as a caring individual, and that it is from this epistemology that the caring of nursing begins to unfold (Schoenhofer 2002). This caring makes a big difference to the well being of each patient. Caring may happen without curing, but curing cannot take place without caring (Watson 2003). It is with that conviction that nurses are concerned for patients in the anticipation that they add to the well being or cure of that patient. Hope may be the only support an ill person has to keep their optimism. Nurses care adequately to credit that hope and hold up for the patient. They have the vision that patient is complete and whole. The one being cared and one caring are unified (Watson 1997). It’s experiencing human being connection at a deeper level than a bodily contact (Watson 2003). This connection describes how the nurse goes further than an objective evaluation, presenting concerns toward the person’s deeper and subjective meaning concerning their own health care condition. The nurse’s caring realization becomes vital for the association and understanding of the other person’s point of view. This approach highlights the exclusivity of both the nurse and the person, and also the mutuality linking the two persons, which is primary to the bond. As such, the one cared-for and the one caring cooperate in connection in mutual search for wholeness and meaning perhaps for the sacred transcendence of suffering (Watson, 2001). The term transpersonal means to go further than an individual’s own ego and the here and now, while it allows him/her to arrive at a deeper spiritual connection in promoting the patient’s healing and comfort. Lastly, the objective of a transpersonal caring association corresponds to enhancing, protecting, and preserving the person’s humanity, dignity, inner harmony, and wholeness. According to Jean Watson (1988, 1999), a caring occasion is the moment (central point in time and space) when the patient and the nurse come as one in such a way that an instance for human caring is formed. Both persons, with their exceptional and phenomenal fields, have the likelihood to move toward together in a human-to-human contract. The one being cared for and the one caring for are predisposed by the actions and choices decided within the affiliation. For Watson (1988, 1999), a unique field correspond to the person’s frame of orientation or the entirety of human experience consisting of bodily sensations, feelings, spiritual beliefs ,thoughts, goals, environmental considerations, expectations and meanings of an individual’s perceptions, all of which are based upon one’s present moment, and one’s anticipated future. Not just a goal for the cared for, Watson (1999) insists that the nurse as well needs to be conscious of her own awareness and genuine attendance of being in a caring instant with his/her patient. Furthermore, in cooperation, the one cared for and the one caring can be predisposed by the caring moment throughout the actions and choices decided inside the relationship, thus, influencing and becoming a fraction of their own life history. The caring event becomes transpersonal when it permits for the occurrence of the spirit of both, then the occasion of the moment expands the restrictions of openness and has the capability to increase human capacities (Watson, 1999). Nursing can enlarge its obtainable role, long-lasting to make offerings to health care inside the contemporary model by developing its opening health strengths and caring healing that have always been in attendance on the edges (Watson, 1999). Nursing is a caring profession that is privileged as the spirit-filled, spiritual practice that it is. I deem it is a mission for a particular spiritual human being who cares about the spirituality of other persons. The humanistic nature of nursing is reflected in the caring replica. Caring is the innermost concept in the discipline of nursing. Caring may seem simple, but it entails these many aspects and it takes a lot of effort to render this, especially to people who we don’t even know. It’s easier to diagnose a patient and just prescribe some medications; it’s another story when you try to have a deep relationship with a patient while still upholding your profession. Doctors leave it to the nurse to care for the patients, because nurses are the ones who have an encounter with them 99% of the time. They are the ones who know the patients condition, even their emotions at times. Moreover, not all patients are considerate and thankful for a nurse’s efforts. Nurses must keep their moods up and not be affected by the ups and downs of their tiresome profession. At the end of the day, they still hold their faces up high and continue caring for every other patient they will be encountering in the future. Caring entails love and loving is not an easy thing to do. It is said that while a nurse enters into a patient’s room, a compelling field of expectation is produced. In this deeper, more stretched out way of thinking about the power, energy, and beauty of love, a caring moment (Watson, 1999b) becomes a vibrational field of cosmic love full of life that radiates mutuality and reciprocity, which transcends space, time, and physicality sustaining and confirming our humanity and our association with the Levinas. The infinity of the whole universe (Quinn, 1992). This ethic of caring and loving becomes the first philosophy for sustaining and facing the infinity of the nursing profession. If nurses follow this ethical order, nursing has a serious role in moving humanity in the direction of the omega point, ever closer to God and the unexplained blessed circle of loving, living, dying, trusting, and being. Lastly, a quote to ponder on the care illuminated by the nursing profession in contrast with that of medicine: â€Å"The heart is as broad as the sky, because it can embrace joy and pain side by side. † Even in the midst of hard to deal with patients, nurses still choose to care.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Survey on Ranking in Information Retrieval System

A Survey on Ranking in Information Retrieval System Shikha Gupta Abstract Available information is expanding day by day and this availability makes access and proper organization to the archives critical for efficient use of information. People generally rely on information retrieval (IR) system to get the desired result. In such a case, it is the duty of the service provider to provide relevant, proper and quality information to the user against the query submitted to the IR System, which is a challenge for them. With time, many old techniques have been modified, and many new techniques are developing to do effective retrieval over large collections. This paper is concerned with the analysis and comparison of various available page ranking algorithms based on the various parameters to find out their advantages and limitations in ranking the pages. Based on this analysis of different page ranking algorithms, a comparative study has been done to find out their relative strengths and limitations. This paper also tries to find out the further scope of researc h in page ranking algorithm. Keywords Information Retrieval (IR) System, Ranking, Page Rank, HITS, WPR, WLR, Distance Rank, Time Rank, Query Dependent, Context. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Information Retrieval System Information retrieval systems are defined as some collection of components and processes which takes input in the form of a query from the user to the system, then compares it with the information which has been collected by the system, and then produce an output, which is some set of texts or information objects considered to be related to the query. It is the activity of obtaining the information resources which are relevant to an information need(query) from a collection of information resources. Data structure used by an IR system is Inverted index which is an index of {term, doc IDs} entries. IR system consists of three main components: firstly the user in the system; then the knowledge resource on which the user has an access and with which s/he interacts; and, a person(s) and/or device(s) that supports and mediates the interaction of the user with the knowledge resource (the intermediary). User FeedbackUser Query RankedExecutable DocumentsQuery Fig: IR architecture In an IR System the processes which are to be considered as important are: Representation of the user’s information problem which is in the form of texts in the knowledge resource: e.g. indexing; Comparison of representation of texts and information problem: e.g. retrieval techniques; Interaction between the user and an intermediary: e.g. human-computer interaction or reference interview; and, sometimes, Judgment of appropriateness of the text to information problem submitted by the user: e.g. relevance judgments; and Modification of the representation of an information problem: e.g. query reformulation or relevance feedback. 1.2 Ranking Ranking is a process of arranging the resulted documents in the order of their relevancy. An information retrieval process begins when the user enters aqueryinto a system. Queries can be defined as formal statements ofinformation needs, for example the search strings in web search engines. In information retrieval not only a single object uniquely identifies a query in the collection, rather, several objects may match the query, but, with different degrees ofrelevancy. Most of the IR systems compute a numeric score for each object in the database to determine how well each of them matches the query, and then it rank the objects according to this calculated value. After ranking, objects having top ranks are shown to the user. The user can then iterate the process by refining the query, if required. Use of ranking To improve search quality. To do effective retrieval over large collections. Granting relevant, efficient, fast and quality information against the user query. 2. RELATED WORK In this paper, a review of previous work on ranking is given. In the field of ranking, many algorithms and techniques have already been proposed but they all seem to be less efficient in efficiently granting the rank. The various algorithms are defined below. . Page Rank Algorithm Page Rank Algorithm is one of the most common ranking algorithms. It is alink analysisalgorithm which provides a way of measuring the importance of pages. Its working is based on the number and quality of links to a page to make a rough estimate of the importance of the page. It is based on the assumption that more important pages are will receive more links from other pages. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given elementEis referred to as thePageRank of Eand is denoted by PR (E). HITS Algorithm Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search(HITS; also known ashubs and authorities) is alink analysisalgorithmthat rates pages. In links and out links of the web pages are processed to rank them. A good hub represents a page that pointes to many other pages, and a good authority represents a page that was linked by many different hubs. The scheme therefore assigns two scores for each page: its authority, which estimates the value of the content of the page, and its hub value, which estimates the value of its links to other pages. HITS algorithm has the limitation of assigning high rank value to some popular pages that are not highly relevant to the given query. Hubs Authorities Fig: Hubs and Authorities Weighted Page Rank Algorithm Weighted Page Rank algorithm (WPR) is an extension to the standard Page Rank algorithm. The importance of both in-links and out-links of the pages are taken into account. Rank scores are distributed based on the popularity of the pages. Number of in-links and out-links are observed to determine the popularity of a page. This algorithm performs better than the conventional Page Rank algorithm in terms of returning a large number of relevant pages to the given query. Weighted Links Rank Algorithm Weighted links rank (WLRank) algorithm is a variant of Page Rank algorithm. Different page attributes are considered to give more weight to some links, for improving the precision of the answers. Various page attributes which are considered for assigning the weight are: tag in which the link is contained, length of the anchor text and relative position in the page. The use of anchor text is the best attribute of this algorithm. Distance Rank Algorithm It is an intelligent ranking algorithm based on learning. In this algorithm, the distance between pages is calculated. The distance is deà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ned as the number of ‘‘average clicks’’ between two pages. It considers distance between pages as a punishment and therefore aims at minimizing this distance so that a page with less distance will get a higher rank. The Advantage of this algorithm is that it can find pages with high quality and more quickly with the use of distance based solution. Also, the complexity of Distance Rank is low. The Limitation of this algorithm is that it requires a large calculation to calculate the distance vector. Time Rank Algorithm This algorithm utilizes the time factor to increase the accuracy of the web page ranking. In this the rank score is improved by using the visit time of the page. The visit time of the page is measured after applying original and improved methods of web page rank algorithm to know about the degree of importance to the users. Time factor is used in this algorithm to increase the accuracy of the page ranking. It is a combination of content and link structure. It provides satisfactory and more relevant results. Query Dependent Ranking Algorithm This algorithm is used to point out a large variety of queries. The similarities between the queries are measured. The ranking of documents in search is conducted by using different models based on different properties of queries. The ranking model in this algorithm is the combination of various models of the similar training queries. Categorization by context This approach proposes a ranking scheme in which ranking is done on the basis of context of the document rather than on the terms basis. Its task is to extract contextual information about documents by analyzing the structure of documents that refer to them. It uses context to describe collections. It is used to overcome the disadvantages of term based approach. 3. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE A large number of algorithms are present today which can be used for ranking the pages in Informational Retrieval System. There will always be a scope of better ranking of pages as each algorithm has its associated advantages and disadvantages. In term based approach, there are problems of Synonymy (means multiple words having the same meaning) and Polysemy (means that a word has multiple meanings). On the other hand, in context based approach, the problem is that the pages which refer to a document must contain enough hints about its content so that they are sufficient to classify the document. According to the requirements of the user, the IR system should use an appropriate algorithm. Use of an efficient algorithm will provide speedy response, and, accurate and relevant results. REFERENCES [1] Wenpu Xing and Ali Ghorbani, â€Å"Weighted PageRank Algorithm†, In proceedings of the 2rd Annual Conference on Communication Networks Services Research, PP. 305-314, 2004. [2] Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Emilio Davis ,Web page ranking using link attributes , In proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate track papers posters, PP.328-329, 2004. [3] H Jiang et al., TIMERANK: A Method of Improving Ranking Scores by Visited Time, In proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Kunming, 12-15 July 2008. [4] Jon Kleinberg, â€Å"Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment†, In Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1998. [5] Ali Mohammad Zareh Bidoki and Nasser Yazdani, â€Å"DistanceRank: An Intelligent Ranking Algorithm for Web Pages†, Information Processing and Management, 2007. [6] Dilip Kumar Sharma and A. K. Sharma,â€Å" A Comparative Analysis of Web Page Ranking Algorithms†, in International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 2010. [7] Giuseppe Attardi and Antonio Gullà ¬, â€Å"Automatic Web Page Categorization by Link and Context Analysis†, [8] Parul Gupta and Dr. A.K.Sharma, â€Å"Context based Indexing in Search Engines using Ontology†, 2010 International Journal of Computer Applications. [9] Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi1 and Bich-Lien Doan, , â€Å" USING CONTEXT TO IMPROVE THE EVALUATION OF INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS† International Journal of Database Management Systems, May 2011. [10] Xiubo Geng, Tie-Yan Liu, Tao Qin, â€Å"Query Dependent Ranking Using K-Nearest Neighbor†, SIGIR’08, July 20–24, 2008, Singapore

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Erik Erikson’s Adolescent Theory and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Ar

Each experience and interaction has an effect on the development of the person as an adult and shapes them into the personality and even physical appearance they will take on as they mature. Those with the strongest influence, namely family, religious figures, and others whom one comes in frequent contact with will have the greatest effect on a developing being. It is between the stage of childhood and adulthood that the most change takes place. This position, called adolescence, is the state of a person coming of age yet not completely independent, it is this state that the psychologist Erik Erikson’s adolescent theory becomes prominent. â€Å"Erikson was an ego psychologist. He emphasized the role of culture and society and the conflicts that can take place within the ego itself.†(McLeod) It is Erikson’s theory that brought about the thought of an identity crisis that occurs in this stage of life. According to Erikson’s thought of identity diffusion ther e are four major components; intimacy, diffusion of time perspective, diffusion of industry, and negative identity. These can each be found in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man as each of these factors are clearly represented in the novel. The first component mentioned by Erikson is the notion of intimacy which is shown through the relations taking place between the main character of Artist and his sexual partners in his adolescence. In the novel the main character, Stephen, begins as a young catholic boy who is then put through school and as his family begins to lose money he must be removed to a less expressive school so his father can continue to pay the tuition fees for his education. Stephen becomes increasingly embarrassed by his family situation and the ... identity, who I want to be, and what my values are. Works Cited Cherry, Kendra. "Intimacy Versus Isolation." About. N.p., 2014. Web. 4 May 2014. . second Jones, Cheryl. "Identity and Adolescents: How Adults Can Help." NCYL. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. . fifth Luyckx, Koen, et al. "Time Perspective and Identity Formation: Short-Term Longitudinal Dynamics in College Students." N.d. MS. Third McLeod, Saul. "Erik Erikson." Simply Psychology. N.p., 2008. Web. 4 May 2014. . first Sen, Suvarna. "ADOLESCENCE: A PERIOD OF STRESS AND STRAIN." Mental Health Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. . Fourth Erik Erikson’s Adolescent Theory and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Ar Each experience and interaction has an effect on the development of the person as an adult and shapes them into the personality and even physical appearance they will take on as they mature. Those with the strongest influence, namely family, religious figures, and others whom one comes in frequent contact with will have the greatest effect on a developing being. It is between the stage of childhood and adulthood that the most change takes place. This position, called adolescence, is the state of a person coming of age yet not completely independent, it is this state that the psychologist Erik Erikson’s adolescent theory becomes prominent. â€Å"Erikson was an ego psychologist. He emphasized the role of culture and society and the conflicts that can take place within the ego itself.†(McLeod) It is Erikson’s theory that brought about the thought of an identity crisis that occurs in this stage of life. According to Erikson’s thought of identity diffusion ther e are four major components; intimacy, diffusion of time perspective, diffusion of industry, and negative identity. These can each be found in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man as each of these factors are clearly represented in the novel. The first component mentioned by Erikson is the notion of intimacy which is shown through the relations taking place between the main character of Artist and his sexual partners in his adolescence. In the novel the main character, Stephen, begins as a young catholic boy who is then put through school and as his family begins to lose money he must be removed to a less expressive school so his father can continue to pay the tuition fees for his education. Stephen becomes increasingly embarrassed by his family situation and the ... identity, who I want to be, and what my values are. Works Cited Cherry, Kendra. "Intimacy Versus Isolation." About. N.p., 2014. Web. 4 May 2014. . second Jones, Cheryl. "Identity and Adolescents: How Adults Can Help." NCYL. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. . fifth Luyckx, Koen, et al. "Time Perspective and Identity Formation: Short-Term Longitudinal Dynamics in College Students." N.d. MS. Third McLeod, Saul. "Erik Erikson." Simply Psychology. N.p., 2008. Web. 4 May 2014. . first Sen, Suvarna. "ADOLESCENCE: A PERIOD OF STRESS AND STRAIN." Mental Health Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. . Fourth

Friday, October 11, 2019

Haunted :: Creative Writing Essays

Haunted One day I was walking along side a road that not to many people travel on. All of a sudden it started storming really bad. I didn't want to get sick so I decided to run into an old abandoned house for cover. No one lived there, I was sure of that. As I got in, I looked around and noticed what a spooky house it was. It seemed really spooky. I saw a large room that was the foyer. The room had a checkered tile floor. It was lit a dark blue color. There were two lights on either side of the staircase that led to the second floor. Off to the right of the large foyer was a door that led to the kitchen. The kitchen was old a musty smelling. As I walked to the back of the kitchen, I noticed a door. I stared at it. A second later it opened! I ran out of the kitchen as fast as I could and ran up the stairs. Up stairs it was even darker. I saw a long narrow hallway with a lot of doors on both sides and on the end. I checked all of the doors and I could only get into one of them. I walked into the one that I could get into and heard someone yelling and pleading. I grew scared but then noticed it wasn't a person. It looked like a hologram, but you could see and hear him. He seemed to be pleading for his life. I could not see whom he was talking to, but I don't think it was a person. The man was balding and looked like he was in his upper forties. He was saying, "I am sorry for coming into your house. I thought it was empty. Please! Please! Let me go. I won't say anything; I didn't see you murder him. No! Don't! Ahhhhhhh! Stop..." Then he fell to the floor after I heard a sickening crack. I raced out of that room only to find myself in the hallway again. I decided it was time for me to leave! I went quickly down stairs and went to the door I came in at. I turned the handle and nothing happened.

Mike Tyson; It’s Not What You Think Essay

This biographical sketch will explore Mike Tyson’s life of victories, personal, and professional losses. Mike Tyson, born Michael Gerard Tyson, was born June 30, 1966, in Brooklyn, New York to Jimmy Kirkpatrick and Lorna Tyson. Jimmy abandoned the family in 1968, when Mike was two years old, leaving Lorna to care for Mike and his two siblings, Rodney and Denise. My selection of Mike Tyson for a case study was based a several intriguing factors about him that gained my attention. Any documentary and/or interview that I’ve viewed on Mike Tyson, I initially look into his eyes. The eyes are the window to our souls, and his eyes share the pains he’s suffered in his life. Over the past 27 years, Mike Tyson has been described as erratic, volatile, and somewhat unstable. His mother, Lorna was an alcoholic and died from cancer when he was only 16 and his sister, Denise died of a heart attack due to obesity in 1991 at the age of 25, little is known about his father, Jimmy. The oldest sibling Rodney is a physician assistant in the trauma center of a Los Angeles hospital. As a boy Tyson became a pickpocket on public buses, rolled drunks and mugged old ladies of their purses. By the time he was 13, he had been arrested 38 times. Tyson lived in and around high crime neighborhood throughout his pre-teen and adolescent years. His very first fight was with a neighborhood youth that was larger than him, who had removed the head of one of Tyson’s pigeons. Mike was transferred to a reform school for boys in Johnstown, New York, where he met a counselor named Bob Stewart, who was also a former amateur boxing champion. Stewart trained Mike on how to use his fist to fight; Mike was so determined to learn everything about boxing. He would often sneak out of bed after curfew to practice throwing punches in the dark. In 1980, Mike was introduced to the late legendary boxing manager, Cus D’Amato. D’Amato provided room and board for Mike, and developed a close relationship with him. Mike looked to D’Amato as his mentor and as a father. Tys on was classified as learning disabled because he could only read at the level of a seventh grader while in high school. After the death of his mother, he was expelled from Catskill High School and continued schooling through private tutors as he prepared for the 1984 Olympic trials. Developmental Psychology is defined as the study of physical and cognitive changes from birth until death. (M.U.S.E., 2010) Physical changes are measured by height, weight, and strengths during the different stages of your life; beginning with conception through childhood, and adolescence through adulthood and eventually death. (M.U.S.E., 2010) Motivation is defined as forces determining behavior; the biological, emotional, cognitive, or social forces that activate and direct behavior. (Encarta, 2012) There are several theories stating various opinions on motivation, the most popular being Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It argues that we as individuals are motivated to satisfy a specific need, when we have a sense of belonging we are motivated by a desire to be held in esteem. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are as follows: self-actualization (doing your own best thing), esteem (need to be recognized, self-respect, and respect of others), belonging (being accepted, be coming a part of something), safety (psychological, physical, secure), physiological (sex, hunger, rest). (Goal, 2013) Personality is defined as the totality of somebody’s attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long periods of time. During an independent medical evaluation performed in September 1998 for the Nevada State Athletic Commission, Tyson gave a history of repeated head injuries as a child. The injuries included multiple episodes of loss of consciousness as a result of being struck with various objects during street fights. During this evaluation process, Tyson was also questioned about symptoms of depression. After eight visits with a psychiatrist, Tyson was diagnosed with â€Å"dysthymic disorder† (chronic depression) and issues related to his personality by Dr. Richard Goldberg, MD, prior to the independent medical evaluation. It’s difficult to assess when this disorder began, before the evaluation took place, Tyson’s boxing license was suspended for biting Evander Holyfield’s ear during a boxing match. Dysthymic disorder is a type of chronic depression when a person’s moods are regularly low. The symptoms are not as severe as with other major depression disorders. The main symptom of this disorder is a low, dark, or sad mood on most days for a period of two years. Dysthymic disorders increase the risk of suicide. Some patients recover completely, while others continue to display the symptoms, even with treatment. (Fava, 2008) Psychology in the workplace helps employees and enterprises to achieve truly sustainable growth in workplace performance. Porath, MacInnis, & Folkes (2010) found that when an employee mistreated or was uncivil (e.g., being rude or discourteous, ignoring or making derogatory remarks, passing blame for their own mistakes, belittling the efforts of others, etc.) toward another employee, customers who witnessed it tended to â€Å"make negative generalizations about (a) others who work for the firm, (b) the firm as a whole, and (c) future encounters with the firm, inferences that [went] well beyond the incivility incident† (p. 292). What researchers discovered was that â€Å"consumers [were] also negatively affected even when they [were] mere observers of incivility between employees† (Porath et al., 2010, p. 301). A survey of public sector employees in the United States found that 71% of respondents reported at least some experience of workplace incivility from a supervisor or coworker (e.g., being treated rudely or discourteously, having a coworker or boss ignore or make derogatory remarks, being blamed for a colleague’s mistakes, being belittled, having someone set them up to fail, being shut out of a team, etc.) during the previous 5 years, and 6% reported experiencing such behavior many times (Cortina, Magley, Williams, & Langhout, 2001). Lim, Cortina, and Magley (2008) found that (1) â€Å"uncivil work experiences also appear to have a direct negative influence on mental health† (p. 104), (2) employees who experienced incivility were more likely to be dissatisfied with their boss and coworkers than with the job itself, and (3) those personal experiences of workplace incivility can lead to them eventually quitting their jobs. References M.U.S.E., â€Å"Conception through childhood and Adulthood† (2010) Mike Tyson. (2012). Fava M, Cassano P. Mood disorders: major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. In: Stern TA, Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Biederman J, Rauch SL, eds. Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2008 Holmes, Leonard. (2006) Mike Tyson’s Assessment. Retrieved from Mental Health Cortina, L. M., Magley, V. J., Williams, J. H., & Langhout, R. D. (2001). Incivility in the workplace: Incidence and impact. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6(1), 64-80. Lim, S., Cortina, L. M., Magley, V. J. (2008). Personal and workgroup incivility: Impact on work and health outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 95-107. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.93.1.95 Pearson, C. & Porath, C. (2009). The cost of bad behavior: How incivility is damaging your business and what to do about it. New York, NY: Portfolio. Porath, C., MacInnis, D., & Folkes, V. (2010). Witnessing incivility among employees: Effects on consumer anger and negative inferences about companies. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), 292-303.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Automobile Industry in Korea: Rising or Falling?

Introduction Korea’s Automobile Industry is the fifth largest in the manufacture of cars and its parts merely imported from Japan and U.S.   Today, Korea is also one of the most highly developed in production of automobiles. By 1980s, the ability of Korea in auto industry has increased more than what they have expected. Producing 1.1 million units was really a great achievement, preferably in South Korea. Since economic boosted Korea for the past years, this made them partly one of the influential countries here in Asia. Its government supported the growth of this industry and other programs created to build a strong and developed industrial base, which created opportunities particularly in business and other industries in the country.   Not only in automobile industry that Korea has expertise, but also in the field of electronics, particularly cell phone manufacturing, etc. Discussion Over the past decade, Korea has proved its ability in the production, manufacturing and exporting of automobile way back in 1980. The industry’s growth has expanded five times of what the Korean’s expected. The question is, why or why not make the investment in the Korean automobile industry?  Korea, presently divided into North Korea and South Korea. A small country, yet one of the most civilized one. Because of their advanced technology as of Singapore and Japan, this made them one of the most progressive countries here in Asia. Automobile industry in Korea has been stable in the past years as founded in charts. However, competition is also stable. When the three big companies namely Hyundai Motor Co., Kia Motors, and GM Daewoo of auto industry in Korea were launched, a growing number of competitors immediately followed. Korea’s growing industry changed the lifestyle of the Koreans,   workers regret a jobless revival, everyone protest of increasing land and housing prices but their wages became similar to western countries, labour unions were also banned. South Korea’s investment in China in 2004, mainly steel and cars, passed Japan’s investment. Korean’s believed that they have an advantage in China because they do not suffer from post war hostilities than of companies in Japan. With the growing number of jobs, Korea experienced increased number of labourers and employment suppleness. They even hired workers from other countries just to increase the number of employees that they need in a particular company. Korea is now facing an economic stability and government financial situation. They continue to improve their work, and this means a continued financial problems. Korea has its access to potential and capital markets for their products are renowned globally. Their importers were also acclaimed to be among of the leading countries in Asia and in the world like U.S and Japan, which are also their primary manufacturers.  Despite these problems, Korea still emerged as one of the leading countries in Asia in terms of investments and exports. For the next two years, the automobile industry planned to increase their sales from 28% to 50%. Conclusion Korea proved that it is worth to make an investment with them in automobile industry, for they are financially stable; they had stable workers and are supported by their government policies. Business opportunities also increased due to their implementation of the â€Å"Import Diversification Program†, which pushed Korean firms to transfer purchases from Japan to purchases from U.S. this gave Korea a great opportunity in the business world, especially in automobile industry. One of the dangers of investing in Korea’s auto industry is its competition to other neighboring countries that also manufactures automobile like China, which they say that they would enter the world market. It is also said that China produced over a million automobiles in 2004, which was really a great start.  Another danger is the constantly changing of the country is laboring policies. Korean government controlled the formation of labour unions, which is why their policies are always changing. Because Korea’s economy grew rapidly, costs of necessities increased rapidly. They need more persons to work in their companies, because jobs increased as their economy grew larger and wider. Sure, they have access in other countries like U.S and Philippines; their only problem is the number of workers that would try their luck in working in the country. Though Korea claims that their automobile industry aims a great success, we believed that it is not that worthy to invest there because of China’s entering in the world market, the restrictions of labour unions and the attempts of the labourers to conduct company strikes. Maybe, investors will increase if they still improve the status of their growing business. It is not that bad to invest in the auto industry of Korea, only if China would not be a great competitor. By 2020, industry tycoons do agree that China could produce a mass of 20 million cars yearly. This proves that China could really make it ahead of Korea in the auto industry. China is also one of the most exporters of cars and cell phone units, which range from 27-30% than of Korea that only gained 26-28% in the past years. If Korea could only improve their way of treating exporters, they would probably get as much customers like of China. Korea’s only edge in China is that their currency, the won, improved a lot better for it threatened the cost of U.S dollars as seen in charts and in newspapers. We’re not saying that investing in Korea now is bad, only that the competition is not that healthy than of their previous years. References Savada, Andrea Matles and William Shaw. â€Å"South Korea: A Country Study†. (1990). 17 June 2007. Brooke, James. â€Å"The New York Times†. 18 October 2005. 17 June 2007.    Jones, Heather S. â€Å"Business America†. 31 August 1987. 17 June 2007.            

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Relationship of the Sexes in Greys Anatomy Essay

Relationship of the Sexes in Greys Anatomy - Essay Example The argument shall be based on an individualized character description of the characters from the show and then segue into a discussion of Season 6, episode 15 a.k.a Timewarp. This episode is the one that set the tone for the mother of Meredith Grey to become one of the most admired surgeons at Seattle Grace. The discussion shall conclude with a look at how sexism still exists in the modern medical workplace as evidenced by scenes from the show. There have been many instances on the show when women were portrayed in a sexist manner. Take for example the episode in the first season when Dr. Isobel Stevens (played by Katherine Heigl) was treated as a sex object and disrespected by the other male interns on the floor because she used to do sexy modeling assignments in order to help pay off her medical school expenses. She did not take the disrespect sitting down at the time. Instead, she chose to force the men to respect her by giving them more than they expected to see herself in the l ocker room. Thus shaming them into thinking about how they were treating her and in the end, getting an apology from those who disrespected her the most. Then we have Cristina Yang (played by Sandra Oh), the overachieving cardio-thoracic surgeon who tends to get on everyone's nerves because of her by-the-book attitude. Since she always held herself in a manner higher than the other interns, and then residents in Seattle Grace, she was able to gain their respect and then the respect of her superiors such as Derek Shepherd who saw and treated her as an equal both in and out of the operating room. Dr. Yang gained their respect and high regard by proving herself where it mattered the most, in action in the operating room. Dr. Bailey, also known as The Nazi lead the team of then medical misfits as their resident advisers. Her job was to whip them into shape in order to make them respectable and noteworthy additions to the field of medicine that they may have chosen to specialize in. She was not exactly respected by her peers in the sense of the word. In fact, the respect for her person and position was born mostly out of fear for these people because she has a tendency to be tactless and straightforward in order to get her way. That is perhaps, the only way she knows to gain the respect of her colleagues in a profession that is mostly dominated by men. Of all of the interns and now medical doctors on the show, however, none of them carried the same kind of responsibility and unfair expectations of her peers than Dr. Meredith Grey whose mother, Ellis Grey, was considered to be one of the foremost surgeons at Seattle Grace during her tenure at the hospital. Meredith chose to follow in her mother's footsteps because of the influence that her strong-willed mother had on her existence as a child. But that is perhaps also the reason why Meredith found herself lost during the first few seasons of the show. She was the most uncertain and self-doubting doctor in the hospita l because she felt that they all expected too much from her.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Cool for sale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cool for sale - Essay Example When reviewing the PBS special report The Merchants of Cool, it was at first noticeable, in the lead photograph, that the youth group being displayed in the photos showed evidence of gender role changes which are not common in youth subcultures. The male teenaged individual in the forefront displays the words, J-Lo, in reference to the famous singer Jennifer Lopez, however the letter J is written backwards (, 2008). This might reflect a deliberate attempt or testimonial against the mainstream music scene by showing their defiance against celebrity with the twisted representation of the singer’s name on his chest. Additionally, the youth has written on his chest, Kissy me with a heart displayed, showing apparently no remorse for the decision (, something which would generally be limited to female display in traditional youth groups. Personal displays of body-art which borders on feminism, being displayed by a youth male, is very edgy and, in traditional youth gro ups, might lead to bullying by peers. Changes in how peers identify with themselves would radically change the marketing strategy of a corporate brand because it would limit the power of celebrity endorsements and a mass market effort might become only a niche market investment when it only appeals to smaller group subcultures. In 2004, the fast-food giant McDonald’s used Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, to appeal to youth buyers and found considerable success (Hargrave-Silk, 2004). This would likely not be effective due to changes in youth attitudes today.