Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Intercultral Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intercultral Experience - Essay Example I googled ‘Tibetan Meditation’ and a rather large list of meditiation classes, books and journals popped up. I decided to check out one of them, which said that 15 minutes per day was all that was required. When I entered the site, there was soft music playing and text slowly scrolled down the page, asking me to read something about this type of meditation. I almost closed the site but then I decided to continue and suddenly, it was 20 minutes later. I had learned something about Tibetan history, of the destructive power of stress and of the healing power of meditation. When I had finished reading, there was a little questionnaire, asking me about my sleeping habits, the way I breathe and a number of other questions, all related to stress. After I had answered everything, I had to give my first name – which I was ok with – and a little folder popped up with my name on it. When I opened it, it had in it a series of exercises, 10 of them, with repetitions and some buttons to chose music and the pace at which I wanted to do the exercises. By now I was thoroughly hooked and I did the exercises straight away. The first set just asked me to sit quietly and close my eyes. The next one asked me to rotate my head, first forward, then sideways, backwards and to the other side.

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