Friday, November 1, 2019

Conservatism and Neo-Ottomanism of the Turkish Political System Essay

Conservatism and Neo-Ottomanism of the Turkish Political System - Essay Example Additionally, in contrast to the modernization movements of many of the governments in the post Ottoman Turkey, the Conservative ideology that has been adopted by the Turkish political system during the past decade (2002-2013) is largely opposed to the westernization of Turkey. For example, the conservatism themes of the Turkish governments within the last decade (2002-2013) has been characterized by a new form of nationalism, marked by attempts to conserve Turkish national values â€Å"ulusalclk† as well and social values such asexuality, family values, gender relations and religious values in the face of the current rapid globalization and perceived Europeanization (Yavuz, 2009). This has been particularly evidenced by the de-westernization and re-traditionalization of the Turkish society that has been witnessed in the country since the Justice and Development Party lead by Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan came to power in 2002. In a recent interview with Financial Times Newspaper, T ayyip ErdoÄŸan described his party’s vision and ideology as seeking to establish a conservative democracy in Turkey which is attached to the traditions, customs and values of the contemporary Turkish society.Finally, despite the fact that the consecutive AKP led governments in Turkey since 2002 have always rejected any association with Islamism or political Islam as part of their ideology, the main ideology of the Turkish political system under the leadership of AKP has been primarily characterized by institutionalization of Turkey’s traditional and religious values

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