Monday, October 21, 2019

About Cilmate Change and Global Warming

About Cilmate Change and Global Warming Climate change, specifically global warming, has captured the attention of people worldwide and has inspired more debate and action- personal, political and corporate- than perhaps any other environmental issue in history. But all of that discussion, along with the mountains of data and conflicting points of view that go with it, sometimes make it hard to really know what’s going on. This guide will help you cut through the rhetoric and confusion and get to the facts. The Nuts and Bolts of Climate Change The first step toward learning what can be done to reduce global warming, and how you can help, is to understand the problem. What Causes Global Warming?How Do Humans Contribute to Global Warming?Climate Change: Air and Land ObservationsClimate Change: Effects on the OceansClimate Change: Effects on the Frozen World Greenhouse Gases and the Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, and many greenhouse gases occur naturally, so why are they cited as problems whenever global warming is discussed? The Basics about Greenhouse Gases Current and Future Effects of Climate Change The effects of global warming are often discussed in future terms, but many of those effects are already under way and having an impact on everything from biodiversity to human health. But it’s not too late. If we act now, most scientists believe we can avoid many of the worst effects of global warming. Climate Change and Extreme WeatherClimate Change and Sea Level RiseGlobal Warming and Large Scale PhenomenaA Changing North: Climate Change in the ArcticSpring Phenology and Climate Change Climate Change and Human Health The Most Vulnerable CitiesDeer, Lyme Disease, and Climate ChangeClimate Change and Food Security Climate Change, Wildlife and Biodiversity How is Wildlife Affected by Global Warming?Bird Extinctions Occurring Faster than Previously Believed Climate Change and Natural Resources Climate Change and Maple Syrup ProductionClimate Change and SkiingGlobal Warming Puts 12 U.S. National Parks on the Endangered List Solutions Reducing global warming and mitigating its effects will require a combination of enlightened public policy, corporate commitment, and personal action. The good news is that the world’s leading climate scientists have agreed that there is still enough time to address the problem of global warming if we act now, and enough money to get the job done without undermining national economies. What Is Carbon Sequestration?The Paris Climate Change ConferenceWhat Is the IPCC? Climate Change and You As a citizen and a consumer, you can influence public policy and business decisions that effect global warming and the environment. You can also make lifestyle choices every day that reduce your contribution to global warming. Top 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Global WarmingCut Down Your Car EmissionsSeven Ways to Your Green HomeVacation Trip? Keep Your Carbon Footprint SmallGet a Free Home Energy AuditStop Receiving Junk Mail Climate Change and Renewable Energy One of the best ways to reduce global warming is to use renewable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. The Clean Power PlanTop 7 Renewable Energy SourcesWhat is Wind Power and How Does it Work?The Pros and Cons of Solar PowerIs Ocean Power a Viable Energy Source? Transportation and Alternative Fuels Transportation accounts for 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States- two-thirds of that from automobiles and other vehicles- and many other developed and developing nations face similar challenges. Alternative Fuels Top 8 Alternative FuelsThe Pros and Cons of BiofuelsEthanol: Frequently Asked Questions About Ethanol On page 2, learn what governments, the business community, environmentalists, and science skeptics are saying and doing about global warming . Global warming is a complex problem that can only be solved by a worldwide effort involving individuals, businesses, and governments at all levels. Global warming affects everyone. Yet, our perspective on the issue- how we see it and how we choose to address it- may be very different from the views of people from other backgrounds, professions or communities around the world. Global Warming: Politics, Government and the CourtsGovernments play an important role in the effort to reduce global warming with public policies and tax incentives that help to promote constructive action by businesses and consumers, and through regulation that can prevent abuses that worsen the problem. U.S. Government Should the United States Ratify the Kyoto Protocol? U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Bush Policy on Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Six Ex-EPA Chiefs Urge Bush to Curb Global Warming Federal Agencies Investigate Claims that Bush Administration Muzzled Scientists Congressional Interest in Global Warming Heats Up State and Local Governments California Passes Breakthrough Bill to Help Curb Global Warming U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement 500 U.S. Cities Pledge to Reduce Global Warming Governments Worldwide World Leaders Launch Initiative to Accelerate Work on Global Warming Global Warming and Business greenhouse gases U.S. Climate Action Partnership: A Coalition for Change U.S. Climate Action Partnership Doubles Membership; General Motors Signs On to Fight Global Warming Rogers and Me: An Interview with Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers Global Warming and the Media An Inconvenient Truth Review: An Inconvenient Truth An Inconvenient Truth Wins Two Oscars Global Warming: Science and Skepticism Is Global Warming a Hoax? ExxonMobil-Funded Group Offers Scientists Cash to Attack Major New Global Warming Study Utility Pays Global Warming Skeptic-for-Hire $100,000 Scientist Denounces TV Ads for Deliberately Misleading Public on Global Warming Global Warming Elsewhere on the Web Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The Royal Society- Climate Change U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Climate Change Climate Change for Kids- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Real Climate: Climate Science from Climate Scientists National Resources Defense Council- Global Warming Sierra Club- Global Warming and Energy On page 1, learn more about the causes and effects of global warming, what is being done to solve the problem, and how you can help.

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